Eutychius Proclus

Eutychius Proclus (Latin; Greek Εὐτυχίος Πρόκλος Eutychios Proklos) was a grammarian who flourished in the 2nd century CE. He was born at Sicca in Africa. He was the instructor of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius.[1]

It is probably this Proclus who is mentioned by Trebellius Pollio as the most learned grammarian of his age.[2] He was made consul by Marcus Aurelius.[3]


No works by Eutychius Proclus are known for sure to survive, and little is known about him personally. However, it is widely thought that he is to be identified with the author of a Chrestomathy which is our most important source of information on the Epic Cycle.[4]

If so, Eutychius Proclus is to be identified with the Proklos discussed by the 9th century scholar and patriarch Photius. Photius writes that the Chrestomathy comprised four books, which covered numerous topics to do with ancient Greek literature, and he describes the contents of the first two books as follows:[5]

A famous manuscript of the Iliad known as Venetus A preserves a Life of Homer, and summaries of the Epic Cycle, except that the section on the Cypria is damaged. Several other manuscripts preserve the Life, or the Cypria summary, or both (but none of the rest of the Epic Cycle).


  1. ^ Jul. Capit. Vit. Ant. c. 2.
  2. ^ Pollio Aemil. Tyr.
  3. ^ Fabric. Bibl. Graec. ix.365.
  4. ^ See e.g. D.B. Monro 1883, "On the fragment of Proclus' abstract of the Epic Cycle contained in the Codex Venetus of the Iliad", Journal of Hellenic Studies 4: 305-334.
  5. ^ Photius cod. 239, = 318b.22-322a.40 ed. Bekker.

This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology by William Smith (1870).